Getting Your Kids Ready for School Sport

With the 2024 school year already well underway and winter sports for both school and club just around the corner, it seems like a good time to discuss how to prepare our young athletes for success. With schools taking sport increasingly seriously each year, training volume and intensity are very high for most young athletes. Whilst this isn’t inherently a bad thing, it means that training needs to be smarter! In this post, we’ll outline five essential training tips to help young competitors excel in their chosen sports, while safeguarding their physical well-being.


    1. Structured Warm-Up Routine:
      Young athletes should begin each training session or game with a structured warm-up routine to prepare their bodies for the demands ahead. Emphasize dynamic movements like jogging, skipping, leg swings, and arm circles to increase heart rate, improve blood flow, and activate key muscle groups. Avoid static stretches (long holds) during a warm up as this will decrease muscle performance. A thorough warm-up not only enhances performance but also reduces the risk of injuries.

  1. Sport-Specific Skill Development:
    To excel in their chosen sport, school athletes must dedicate time to develop their sport-specific skills. Whether it’s mastering a jump shot in basketball, perfecting a serve in tennis, or honing tackling techniques in rugby, consistent practice is key. Encourage athletes to focus on drills and exercises that directly improve their technical proficiency and game understanding. Having good form during sport specific movements and an understanding of the game will also help prevent injury, as players are less likely to make poorly executed, reckless movements if they are thinking ahead.
  2. Strength and Conditioning Training:
    A well-rounded strength and conditioning program is essential for school athletes to improve performance and prevent injuries. Introduce athletes to foundational body weight exercises such as squats, lunges, push-ups, and core exercises to build strength, stability, and muscular endurance. Emphasize proper form and technique to ensure safe and effective training sessions. Young athletes should stick to bodyweight movements unless supervised by a qualified exercise professional.
  3. Rest and Recovery:
    A crucial part of training that should not be overlooked is rest and recovery. School athletes often juggle rigorous training schedules with academic responsibilities, leaving little time for rest. It is important to educate athletes on the significance of adequate sleep, hydration, and nutrition for optimal recovery and performance. Encourage them to listen to their bodies and incorporate rest days into their training regimen to prevent burnout and overuse injuries. Remember, it is during rest that our bodies gain muscle strength – all that strength and endurance training is for nothing if the body doesn’t have the chance to adapt to it!
  4. Injury Prevention Strategies:
    Injuries can sideline young athletes and hinder their progress on the field. Teach them proactive strategies to minimize the risk of common sports injuries, such as proper warm-up and cool-down routines, dynamic stretching, and cross-training to prevent muscle imbalances. Emphasize the importance of reporting any signs of discomfort or pain to coaches and seek professional guidance from our physiotherapists when needed.

By following these essential training tips, our young athletes can maximize their potential on the field while safeguarding their physical well-being. At Stafford Physiotherapy and Pilates, we’re committed to supporting young athletes on their journey to success. If any sports-related injuries or concerns arise, our team of experienced physiotherapists is here to provide personalized care and guidance. Together we can empower the next generation to thrive both in sports and in life!