Meet Our Team: Brad

Meet our team:

In 2024, we have welcomed new graduate Physiotherapist Brad Arthars to Stafford Physiotherapy and Pilates.

What motivates you? 

That I can make an impact on the lives of those who endure discomfort and pain in their day to day lives

What’s your favourite 3pm snack?

Pfeffernüsse – also known as peppernuts. Small spice cookies.

What do you enjoy most about your job? 

Providing relief in patient symptoms, or improvement in overall function.

What’s your favourite part of the day? 

Dawn – there’s something special about living in Eastern Australia and watching the sunrise over the water.

If you weren’t a physio, what would you be?

A prosthetist (making prosthetics).

What’s your favourite restaurant/ cafe?

Great question – I don’t have one! I am always open to suggestions!

Would you rather dance, or do karaoke? 

Do karaoke – my dancing skills are yet to develop.