Putting on the oxygen mask

“Finding the time” – a phrase that I have so often sprouted when asked about my current exercise regime. During times of study, I had intentionally exercised twenty times – for someone well educated in the benefits of regular exercise, this was not great. I had all the reasons for this downpat: from a broken tailbone that bugged me for 4 years, to moving house: I always had a response ready. When it comes to “practice what you preach,” this was not my finest moment.

Here are a handful of tips that I have found useful in my pursuit of returning to regular exercise and giving myself that time

  • Do not start with a strict hour. If you can slot 10 minutes of something in, that is better than nothing.
  • Consistency: charging at exercise like a bull at a gate, will only last for so long. Aim for consistency – 10 minutes a day is better than 1hr a week….fortnight…..month – I think you get the picture.
  • Not all exercise involves a treadmill – prefer riding a bike or taking your dog for a walk? (Me too!) Calf raises whilst waiting for your coffee/kettle to boil, or wall squats whilst planning your day – these activities can all add up!
  • Talk to your physio or exercise professional about tailoring your exercises to slot into your daily routine/s.
  • A sore arm, back, leg or neck does not mean that exercise cannot be performed.
    • Have any current or recurrent issue/pain assessed and treated.
    • Tailoring of exercises by trained professionals
    • Returning to any physical activity gradually

In a time where “sitting is the new smoking,” regular exercise is incredibly important. Yes, everyone should have intentional down time, time to relax. Both sides of the coin are equally important.